๐ŸŒŽ How Many Days We Have Left and How to Organize Them?

Salaam friends,

My life is getting busier and busier. Sometimes, I delay decisions and opportunities till a time when I have more time. But I know a few years from now, I'll be even busier. Right now, I have a two-year-old, and I can't even imagine what it would be like to have two kids. There's always something to do, something to fix, or somewhere to go. And I Live in NYC, which feels busy all the time, even when you're bored. So here's what I do when overwhelmed by a long list of things to do:

First, I write down everything that's on my mind using a pen and paper. I've tried using my phone or computer, but there's something about writing with a pen and paper that helps me see the big picture.

Second, I use a technique I call the "3Ts." I ask myself, "What are the three things that, if I get them done, will make me feel successful by the end of the day?"//

Sometimes, I also ask myself another question that I learned from Tim Ferriss. It goes like this: "โ€˜What are The Three Things that if done they would make the rest easier to do or irrelevant?"

Third, I schedule specific time blocks on my calendar to work on the three most important tasks, and I commit to finishing each task within the time limit I set.

When I put these constraints on my mind, it helps me focus on finding solutions instead of feeling overwhelmed. Does it always work ? No, it doesn't. Sometimes, the first task takes longer than I expected, or my mom calls me and asks for a favor, or I end up getting sleepy after lunch. But the principle still holds true. It's better to find a way to handle stressful moments than let the chaos distract you from what matters.

๐Ÿ“– What Iโ€™m reading?

Iโ€™m reading The Tails End by Tim Urban, which explores the concept of our limited time on earth and how often we overlook it. There are helpful and scary graphs that shows the remaining time we have with our loved ones and the number of books we are able to read.

๐Ÿฟ What Iโ€™m watching?

Iโ€™ve been watching a lot of Akaash Singh stand up clips. He is the best at judging people based on their appearance and creating a joke out of it on the spot.

๐Ÿ”– Quote Iโ€™m pondering

"20 years from now you'd give anything to be this exact age, exactly this healthy, in this exact moment. Take a second to enjoy it."

โ€” Richard Webster

๐Ÿ“ธThrough My Lens

NYC on June 7 engulfed in smoke from wildfires in Canada.

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