My Endless Worries

Salaam friends,

My worries often come from not knowing what will happen in the future. I sometimes spend hours thinking about all the "what if" scenarios, which stops me from getting things done. These worries can be about my family, career, personal goals, or anything in between.

Here's a helpful tip I've discovered over the years when I find myself in these situations: make a list of things I'm grateful for. Instead of just thinking about them, I write them down on paper. I keep going until the whole page is full, or until I can't think of things quickly enough. We have so many things to be thankful for that we can't even count them all. This exercise helps shift our focus from what we lack or fear not achieving to the things we often overlook— the things that other people wish they had.

I hope you have a great week!

Remember to stay creative!

📖 Writing Prompt
Exercise: Women and Men
Title: The Argument

Two people are arguing- a man and a woman. They don't have to be a couple. Each is convinced he or she is right. You, as the writer, do not want to know who is right, but you will have exquisite sympathy for both points of view, both sides of the argument. Give us enough background and history, but try to stay in the moment as much as possible. Choose an accidental arbitrator, a third-party narrator in first or third person narration, maybe someone who was killed in the crossfire of this argument. This narrator knows and likes both these people well but doesn't and can't favor one over the other. 600 words.

Source: The 3 A.M. Epiphany* by Brian Kiteley 

🔎 Word of the week

volition (n): the act or the power of making a decision; WILL.
In a sentence: One understood motion as the simple manifestation of volition.

Source: The Merriam-Webster Dictionary

📨 Where to submit

There is competition open for submissions with Zoetrope
Open Period: Entries must be complete by October 2, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. PDT
Submission Fee: $30
Word limit: 5,000 words or fewer
First prize: $1,000
Second prize: $500
Third prize: $250

Good luck!

🔖 Quote to ponder

"Stories are the only places where you can see yourself."
Hajera Khaja

A question to consider❓

Where do my worries come from: the future, the past, or both? What can I do to cherish the present moment more?

📸 Through My Lens

No spam. Just tools for incremental improvement.