๐Ÿ“ The Enemy of Writing

Salaam friends,

I have a friend who writes in a notebook and then transcribes his writing into the computer because if he writes on the computer, heโ€™ll find himself on social media or in one of the rabbit holes of the internet. The enemy of writing is distractions. I remember reading the book Deep Work by Cal Newport in college, and I have read it twice since. The book highlights the importance of focused, distraction-free work in the modern age of constant connectivity. Newport provides several tools and strategies to combat distractions, and the three that have always stood out for me are:

  • Practice time blocking: Where you schedule specific time slots for different types of work, including deep work, shallow work (checking emails and social media), and breaks (eg. walks). This helps you create a clear structure for your day and ensures that deep work gets the attention it deserves (the parents amongst you are laughing. I feel you!).
  • Limit your use of technology: Be mindful of how much time you spend on social media, email, and other digital distractions. Set boundaries and minimize unnecessary technology use to reduce distractions and increase focus.
  • Embrace boredom: Allow yourself to be bored and resist the urge to constantly seek stimulation. Boredom can actually foster creativity.

As a writer, itโ€™s hard to watch the blinking cursor on a white page, asking me to write while Iโ€™m waiting for words to flow in. My immediate reaction when I get stuck or have nothing to write is to reach for my phone, go on social media, or check my emails. Neil Gaiman has a rule for this, during his writing session he either writes or does nothing. So after a while of staring at the ceiling or looking out of his office window, he ends up behind the desk writing because writing is much more interesting than doing nothing.

Ask yourself: What habits do you have that distract you when you need to focus? How are these habits preventing you from accomplishing your goals?


  1. I have changed my website from mohamedthewriter.com to mohamedsmorshed.com (I like my name better!)
  2. HazawiPodcast is now just referred to as Hazawi (the podcast is one of its arms). My vision for Hazawi is for it to be a platform for Muslim writers and poets. Maybe a few years from now I will expand it, but for now, I want to narrow the value I provide and fill a gap the community has.

๐Ÿ”– Quote Iโ€™m pondering

โ€œThere are people who write every now and then. And there are writers who are people every now and then.โ€

โ€” Dan Kennedy

๐Ÿ“ธ Through My Lens

No Two Thumbprints Are the Same

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